Producer Statements
This page has our set of producer statements which are available to download, to give technical information related to legal requirements around our pool and barrier fencing products. We also have a set of general support documents for assembly and installation located here
PoolSide Specification & Producer Statement
Barrier Producer Statements
Barriers use the same general assembly and installation methods as PoolSide, but must be in accordance with the specifications on the relevant producer statement
Concrete Block Wall
Concrete Slab / Wall
In Ground
Timber Pole Retaining Wall - 150 x 75 top beam
Timber Pole Retaining Wall - 125 x 125 top beam
Timber Deck - Side Fixed
Timber Deck - Top Fixed
Durability Certification
Contact details
Ph: 09 5277897
See the map on the right for our manufacturing site
Office hours are Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm